Adsorbed Td Vaccine Bio Farma

Adsorbed Td Vaccine Bio Farma Storage

diphtheria and tetanus toxoid vaccine


Bio Farma




Full Prescribing Info
Td Vaccine should be protected from light and stored and transported between +2°C and +8°C. It must not be frozen.
Vial: Once opened, multi-dose vials should be kept between +2°C and +8°C.
Multi-dose vials of Td from with one or more dose of vaccine have been removed during an immunization session may be used in subsequent immunization session for up to a maximum of 4 weeks, provided that all of the following conditions are met (as described in the WHO policy statement: The use of opened multi-dose vials in subsequent immunization sessions. WHO/V&B/00.09): The expiry date has not passed; The vaccines are stored under appropriate cold chain conditions; The vaccine vial septum has not been submerged in water; Aseptic technique has been used to withdraw all dose; The vaccine vial monitor (VVM), if attached, has not reached the discard point.
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